Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looking at a path I once walked, many years ago...

I have a lot of people in my life that wonder WHY I am not faithful… They often confuse my lack of enthusiasm for Church with total disbelief. That is not the case!

Too many people are out there and beating their bibles and screaming at any passerby that will listen. They want you to believe! Now, for those that do believe in something, great! However it is NOT good enough! You have to believe in “THEIR” God! Or else…

Religion is the root of a lot of happiness and rejoice…

Religion is the root of a lot of pain and misery…

Religion is the root that has been replanted, revamped, and the roots are dying…

Too many fanatics have ruined what religion should be!

I remember when I was young and I would go to church, I went as often as I could! I went to bible camp. I made friends! There was one guy, he was an older gentleman. He would reward the kids with different pieces of candy for reciting a different verse of scripture. If 2 or more of us would say the same one, neither of us got it! It was FUN!

As time went on and I looked for answers from those who I was to look up to, I was cast aside and shunned for my thirst for knowledge. The harder I tried to understand, the harder I seemed to be punished.Not to mention the further from the flock I was pushed...

If you beat another person down for so long, eventually, they will ask you… Why am I being beat?

When I asked what the purpose of things are, when I asked WHY things are how they are I was hit in the face with more punishments, more alienating, and more depression in fear of the thought that my curiosity had angered God. Why wouldn’t I? I was being left in the dark and pushed OUT of the flock by the people we looked to as our Sheppard. If I had upset them, I was under the impression that those people if anyone would have a direct line to God.

When I was younger, and I had not begun to understand science as I do now, I used to think that the stars in the sky were windows for the angels and our loved ones above to look in on us when they wanted to…

Then as I started to grow older and I again found more of the teachings in the church and the studies that did not fit, work out, or just seemed not right. I again questioned these things. By this time I was so sick and tired of hearing: “You got to have faith…”

Listen man! You are NOT George Michael and you are NOT getting a record deal ANYTIME soon!

There was a Yahoo article a while back that was talking about how physicists have discovered the so called God Particle. No, it is nothing like the movie with Tom Hanks! There were a lot of battles of words and schools of thought were seriously clashing that day… One person said something that totally made sense… “The Bible tells us WHAT God did… Science has told us HOW he did it…”

That put a lot of things into perspective for me! That one line made so much sense that it shook me to my core!

I have spent so many hours reading, listening, watching, and taking in all that I can about different religions that it could be considered pointless by most. I considered it educational most of the time. There are some religions out there that are unfortunately rather mainstream, but still scare the hell out of most that look in from the outside!

I could talk for hours and hours on my belief structure. I won’t, not yet… I made a promise to someone that I would give faith one last honest try… I have made contact with a man who is a preacher and he is very interesting to say the least. He is a teacher during the week at a Christian College. If he cannot tell me the answers to what I am looking for, I would hope to all that it is… that he will be able to point me in some direction to where I CAN find what I am looking for.

However, I do hold this man in the highest of regards, I do find one fault with this plan… Me. I have been told all my life I am never satisfied. I always want more! Yes, that is true! If I have $20, I want $30… If I have 4 Cherry Cokes in the fridge, I want another 12 pack waiting… I will do what I have to in order to make that happen though!I am NOT one to sit back and wait for anything. I am not one to sit there and cry that nothing is done or changed. I make things happen! I research WHY things happen.

I will always want more information! I know for a fact that I will never be able to find all the answers. I know this. No one ever will. If I could find all of the answers, I would be talking to God himself and I cannot do that to my family that needs me here.

In closing, for now… I will say that I am going to be starting back towards a path that so many claim to follow… Yet most of them ignore the teachings of the path they claim to follow in order to make room for their own agenda. I am going to start looking for answers until I am sure that there are no more… Maybe someday I will find what I am looking for…

Maybe, just maybe… it took a Southern Bell, and our munchkins to weaken the mortar of the brick walls I have built.

Hopefully, they can help me find what I lost long ago… Me. 

The End is HERE! No, Now! Wait... No... NOW! Oops...

xX   First Comment Left   Xx

I have to ask a simple question... First for several months this man convinced so many people of the end of days... They willingly and blindly followed him? He gave false prophecies and totally messed up his math... In short, you are telling me that a man that is so convincing as a public speaker in this day and age is able to persuade total strangers and yet the ability to use a basic calculator eludes him!? WOW! Can I join his flock? I want to rid myself of all worry, debt and worldly possessions...

This guy is a monkey on front of the camera... He has NO CLUE when the end of days is! I felt sorry for some that followed him... However those who continue, YOU DESERVE all the problems and heartache you get from continuing to follow this fool!

xX   Second Comment   Xx

 OK... Looking again at the article... He has now accumulated OVER $100 million dollars in assets and he is refusing to give up anything prior to October 21st, which happens to be his NEW prophecy date...

AGAIN, I am screaming that religious leaders, whether that statement be pointed at a cult or more mainstream types... I see far too many of them holding ONE philosophy more true than ANY OTHER...

Do as I say, not as I do...

This man is predicting the end of days? Who's? Out of all the people that lost money, and some reported that they gave away or sold their very homes... Another question I have is kind of in depth, but still rather simple.

Look at how many people he had in his following... Look at how many people in today's society are mentally damaged... Just saying that the numbers are against him! I know that somewhere in his flock of sheep that he is happy to lead all the way to the bank that he is toying with at least 1 person that is not mentally well... That one person if pushed far enough may bring forth Campings final days.

With the state of our country and our society today... Too many people are just not right and with how things are in the financial aspect, given the circumstances the simplest thing could be the catalyst for the most heinous of actions form the most sane of people...

I wish NO HARM on any human being... None... However, if I were him, I would seriously consider fortifying the house before someone does unleash the wrath he has caused...

Ignorance is curable, but stupidity lasts a lifetime.

God Bless the almighty dollar…

xX   Another comment… After some research   Xx
I have to wonder if he has ever read "Matthew 24:36" no matter version you read they all say pretty much the same thing…

New International Version (©1984)
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

New Living Translation (©2007)
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.

English Standard Version (©2001)
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

International Standard Version (©2008)
"No one knows when that day or hour will come-not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father,

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
"No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows.

King James Bible

But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

American King James Version
But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

American Standard Version
But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only.

Bible in Basic English
But of that day and hour no one has knowledge, not even the angels in heaven, or the Son, but the Father only.

Douay-Rheims Bible
But of that day and hour no one knoweth, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone.

Darby Bible Translation
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of the heavens, but my Father alone.

English Revised Version
But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only.

Webster's Bible Translation
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Weymouth New Testament
"But as to that day and the exact time no one knows--not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

World English Bible
But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Young's Literal Translation
'And concerning that day and the hour no one hath known -- not even the messengers of the heavens -- except my Father only;

Sorry but this fool does not look like the FATHER IN HEAVEN!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love the Kool-Aid drinkers!

This round I will spare you the entire Article that inspired the following exchange of words... It was an article abut Billy Graham and how his family are now squabbling over what is going to happen after his transition...

**I had this to say**

Gandhi once said:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

I know that a lot of people are not going to like it, but it is true! The ones that consider to be the most faithful I have found to be the furthest from it! Those who scream and preach the good words, seem to be trying to atone for their lives and practices no one else sees.

Religion in general is mostly a fairy tale! All throughout history, the Bible has been translated and rewritten over 5,000 times. There is actual documentation on how scribes and scholars throughout history have changed the words and meanings to fit the agenda of those employing them...

The bible is fallible. It is a book written by MAN, and man as we see and know every day is not perfect! Humans are the only species on Earth that have a religion. Do animals go to church? Does a bear donate 10% of his winter hoarding? Does a dog take 10% of his food to drop in the collection plate? No...

The faithful believe that some tangible father figure is staring down on you and watching everything you do and say. If that were true, then people would be living better lives and we would not have a lot of the problems we have today!

The Church as far back as it goes says: You follow our rules and you will live forever in paradise. Oh, don't forget to give that much need portion of your income...

Why? Is God in need of some new kicks? No! Religion is the biggest money maker in the world... Sad to say that Religion and the most faithful are the ones that have throughout history fought, killed, and died to spread the words of love, tolerance, and forgiveness...

 xX   Then it started... The replies began!  Xx

Yahoo User: M.L. said:
“I don;t like Graham either, but Gandhi, like Graham, was a racist. He thought blacks were inferior to both whites and South Asians and even supported apartheid in South Africa.”

Of course I felt compelled to reply!
I hate to inform you of this fact... I don't care how NON-Racist someone is... Everyone alive today hates someone else!

Look at the news... There is more Black on Black crime than any other classification! Whether Gandhi was racist or not, the quote I am referring to has NO racial ties or purpose! I am strictly outlining the fact that the people who live and die by that book are so far from exhibiting the meanings and or teachings of said scriptures!

95% if not more, of the bible thumping sheep following the Sheppard will live foot loose and fancy free all week because they think that getting their holiness on one a week and dropping their tidings in the collection plates, all their wrong doings from the previous week are forgiven and washed off their souls! NO! You want to say you are a Christian?

Well prove it! ACT LIKE ONE! Do not throw racism at me... I hate how no matter what the topic that card is played! Quick, someone Call Rev. Sharpton, or Jesse! Neither of them has been in the news lately, so I am sure that they are sitting at home waiting for a cause!

xX   Then, the kool-aid started to make it way around the masses! LOL   Xx

Yahoo User: Gjl said:
Gandhi was not Christian. He promoted false doctrine. The Holy Bible is the INFALLIBLE Word of God. It was inspired by God and transcribed by holy men of old. The authorized King James version is the purest translation of the Bible. It was translated by a group of scholars that were experts in Hebrew and Greek.

God gave man free will to choose how he will live his life. If he chooses to follow satan then he is doomed to eternal damnation. Those of us who choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior are destined for heaven.

God is all powerful, all knowing and always present. He knows everything that occurs in everyone's life and how we lead our lives.

Animals do not have a soul like humans do. They are lower than mankind and will always be lower. Animals do not have free will to choose how they live. For example birds will always build nests; muskrats will always build their homes of grasses and mud. They can't do it any other way. Humans can build their homes any way they desire and if that home doesn't give them adequate shelter then they no one to blame but themselves.

Tithing is Biblical and should be practiced by Christians. However belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is much more important and the only way of ensuring that you will spend your eternity in heaven instead of in eternal damnation known as hell.

I will pray for you that you will come to accept Jesus and be washed in His saving and atoning blood.

xX   I felt a bit of a challenge...  So, I took off my gloves and accepted!  Xx

I love this! I love how people are so righteous! You drink the kool-aid handed to you and you do not question anything! You swallow all that is put in front of you and again you NEVER question! The bible is NOT the word of God! Not anymore! It has been written, translated, converted, altered... Then as time has moved on and languages have changed, new dialects formed so does you "Infallible Word of God"! You say you are going to pray for me? Good... Waste your time talking to yourself...

I am going out on a limb here... To the user called: Gjl... I will bet anything that YOU and your loved ones at Christmas celebrate the birth of Christ? Yes? OK... Do you have a Christmas tree? Probably! You need to LEARN something... The bible does NOT say that Christ was born on Dec. 25th... That was a Pagan holiday that the Church adopted to help the conversion of the Pagans and make their transition easier... Along with the TRADITION of the tree, PAGAN tradition adopted by the church...

Now, I am going to stretch a little further and say that you probably decorate and hide eggs on easter? Easter is to be remembered for the resurrection of YOUR Lord and Savior. Am I wrong? No... However, read you book a little closer! Why? You will NOT find in there where Christ addressed his disciples and told them prior to the crucifixion: When I come back I don’t want to see ANY eggs! I don’t care if you paint them and hide them! NO EGGS in vision!

Did that happen? NO! That also is another “Christian” tradition adopted from the Pagans! The Pagan celebration that took place around that time of year used the egg and the rabbit which are both signs of fertility and well… You silly kool-aid drinkers just took it and ran! Now, you have your Christians that celebrate tradition without knowing WHY!

Next time you want to try to throw what you know as fact at me? Please make sure that your thoughts have actual foundation! You have a lot of opinions that make no sense! Everything I have said I can and will back up with lots and lots of documentation and fact… Not some booming voice from a mythical father figure!

xX   I had to add a little more!   Xx

One last thing, if I may? Something that MOST of you will not believe is that for MANY years, I did attend Church! I went every Sunday, I went a lot of Wednesdays, I went to Bible Camp in the summer...

Something I never understood... Was Christ a cannibal? Think about it. You go to church and they pass around Grape Juice in most places or something of that nature and you are to drink of his blood. You are then handed a cracker and you are to eat of his body... Interesting practice!

As I grew older and more able to think for myself, I did just that! I asked questions and your all knowing leaders and propaganda pushers told me that I did not need an answer to the questions I asked due to the fact that I should have faith. No! Unacceptable! If I want to know something, I am entitled to an answer!

If I ask you a question... And you do not know? Why would you not just say: I don't know? Why belittle me and insult me and cover it up and tell me that I need to have faith? Hmmm? So, your leaders or Sheppard's are responsible to a point for making me question EVERYTHING now...

While you laugh at me for standing on my own, and by myself... I will stand here alone and laugh at you as you are lead blindly to the slaughter... You may be faithful! Good for you! However, aren't there passages in you r book that says the innocent lambs are sacrificed?


I dare you! You won't because you can't!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Muslims are Born, Taught, and then Rejoice in Violence...

For you Kool-Aid Drinkers claiming Islam is peaceful -- These are ACTUAL quotes from the Quran:

"I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers."

Quran 8:12

"Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage."

Quran 2:190-2:191

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them."

Quran 9:5

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate."

Quran 9:73

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous."

Quran 9:123

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another."

Quran 48:29

"Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy..."

Quran 8:59-60

"Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. God does not guide the wrong-doers."

Quran 5:51

"Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please."

Quran 2:223

"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them."

Quran 4:34

Anyone who says that Islam is a religion of peace is either a liar or too ignorant to be taken seriously!

Muslims Make Me Nervous...

One thing you need to do as an American is do some reading! It is a proven and historical fact that the Muslims build Mosques at sites and locations of victory over another race, culture, or religion...

Wow, I think the room you are sitting in just got brighter due to the light bulbs that just went off!

Radical MUSLIMS took out almost 5K American people, men, women, and children! Radical or not, they were Muslim and NOW the Peaceful" bunch here in America want to build a Mosque at Ground Zero...

Seriously? Am I the only one that sees a problem? Not only are we turning the other cheek and handing them money and our tax dollars hand over fist... We are rewarding their declaration of victory over the American People and OUR way of life...

The Al-Aqsa mosque, otherwise known as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, was built over the site of Solomon's Temple to show the ascendancy of Islam over Christianity and Judaism. We delude ourselves to think otherwise.

After posting my remarks in Yahoo on the article this is related to, I was treated to a reply. I was very happy to give a swift and more educated reply! 

A Yahoo User named: Aurora had this to say...
"And Germans killed thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and others...should we start discriminating against Germans?"

My Rants are Long, but Always Educated! In reply I had this to say:

Aurora, to you I have a few thoughts... I am of German decent. I have studied and researched WW1 and WWII... WW1 started the ball rolling for WWII... I am sure you either forget or were not taught that!

Many people today do still discriminate against Germans. Many do. My ex-wife and her family are Jewish. I did not hold that against them. No… As far as I know, they did not hold my heritage against me either.

However, Germans did what they did and have spent over 50 years atoning for the actions of another generation! The Holy book that the Muslims follow are so stricken against women and ALL NON-Muslims… Yes, I realize that the Nazi Party were extremists, but Muslims are far worse in my opinion!

Read the Quran sometime! I dare you! Tell me that you will come back nerd raging at me! I am going to make a simple assumption here… I am guessing that you are an American. Judging by your picture or avatar, you are not too far into your years. That means that you are probably all for Women’s rights and equality… Right? With that being said, look into Muslim tradition! Look up their practices for FEMALE circumcision. You probably have no idea what I am talking about!

The women in the Muslim countries are circumcised to prevent them from receiving pleasure during sexual intercourse! The women’s role there are to breed and to service, pleasure, and keep their dominating male counterpart happy. To back that up, the Quran sys that ANY WOMAN that is defiant is to be dealt with extreme measures and beat.

Next time you want to rage at a comment I write, make sure YOU are informed! I will bring out facts against anything you can muster up! I am ready and willing to accept any challenge you could possibly purpose to me.

As far as comparing the Nazi’s to Muslims… I will end this rant with another comparison… The Nazi Party was in power for 12 years… Before the fall of the Third Reich. Read a little, you will see that the Nazi Party rose in 1933 and fell in 1945. Simple math says 12 years.

Muslims were followers of Muhammad. The Quran was written a VERY short time after his death in the year 632. Let’s see here, 12 years or 1379. I think that the 12 years of the Nazi party is slightly dwarfed by the 1379 years of fanatics that are rewarded for killing and taught to hate and kill. Hmm. I could be wrong, however I doubt it! 

(after posting my reply, I had to add another thought to her post)

Oh, and another thing Aurora... Your reference to the body count that the Nazi Party left is rather inaccurate! There were OVER 6 Million Jews and other people including Germans that were killed in various ways and locations. Again, before you open your mouth, please know what you are talking about!  

Islam = Hate + Violence - Tolerance - Acceptance = BAD People...

Muslim Americans still find acceptance elusive in the wake of bin Laden’s death:
On Friday morning, Masudur Rahman boarded a plane to attend a conference in North Carolina on Americans' distrust of Islam. Agents with the Transportation Security Administration had twice screed both Massud and his traveling companion Mohamed Zaghloul and determined that the two men were not a threat, and they were cleared to join all the other similarly screened passengers on the Delta regional flight operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines.

That's why it came as a shock to the pair when the staff ordered them to deplane, reportedly because the pilot didn't want them on board. An Atlantic Southeast  spokesman says the airline is investigating the incident, and that the company takes "all allegations of discrimination very seriously."

Rahman and Zaghloul didn't arrive at the conference until the evening, and Rahman said he was too stressed by the experience to concentrate on the weekend's topic of "Islamophobia," or the fear of Islam.

"I was humiliated. I was not feeling good," he told The Lookout. "I thought maybe my children will think in the future, 'My dad was singled out and forced to get off on the plane.' It was an emotional shock." (Rahman has two children under six years old.)

Delta agents apologized profusely for the incident and emphasized that the airline's staff works separately from the personnel at the regional airline, according to Rahman. Rahman says several Delta pilots personally apologized to them for the other pilot's action. Also heartening to the imam, who came to the United States eight years ago from India and owns a jewelry business in Memphis, are the dozens of emails he's received from correspondents across the globe offering him support.

"America is a land of justice and a land of law and that's why people like to live over here," he says. "If somebody is facing some injustice, American law and American people stand behind him or her."

Another imam from New York on his way to the North Carolina conference with his son was removed from an American Airlines plane, and the company has only said it was over an unspecified security issue. He ended up driving to the conference.

The incidents happened less than a week after President Obama announced that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had been killed by a U.S. special forces raid. Homeland Security officials warned law enforcement agencies around the country to be on the alert for a possible revenge attack, which they fear may come from a loner type already living in the United States.

And U.S. Airways Captain James Ray defended the Atlantic Southeast Airlines pilot, saying there may be another explanation for why he wouldn't fly with the two men. He told WSOCTV that every single pilot in the country received warning emails from their companies telling them to be on high alert after the death of bin Laden.

It's possible that this tension is partially responsible for some of the anti-Muslim incidents of the past few weeks, says Ibrahim Hooper, the head of Muslim civil rights organization CAIR.

"I do not think these cases would have occurred had it not been for the killing of Osama bin Laden," Hooper says. He mentioned that a mosque in Maine had been vandalized with bin Laden's name after his death, and that someone had smeared the doors of a Louisiana mosque with pork. Many Muslims don't eat pork for religious reasons.

But vandal attacks on American mosques have actually been on the rise for several years, according to the work of American University Professor Akbar Ahmed--and protests have increased against proposed mosques in some towns and cities where Muslim residents are constructing new mosques.

A Pew poll from last August found that only 30 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Islam, down 10 percentage points from 2005. However, a more recent March CNN poll found that 70 percent of Americans would be fine with a mosque existing in their community--a much higher percentage than the proportion of Americans professing a favorable view of Islam. That suggests that even if a majority of Americans disapprove of the religion, they are OK with their neighbors' choice to follow it.

Meanwhile, young Muslim Americans are hoping that bin Laden's death can be a positive turning point in the relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim Americans. They hope that, with bin Laden out the picture, they will no longer be saddled the widespread public suspicion they've encountered since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Bin Laden "hijacked our identity" New Yorker Linda Sarsour told the AP, making Muslims "synonymous with a man who was a murderer."

"His death brings an opportunity for understanding between Americans and Muslims," college student Umar Issa told the AP. He added that the popular uprisings in Egypt and other Arab countries have rejected radical Islam and may help show Americans that Muslims also seek democracy. 

**Pointless and Yet Mindful Rants Soon to Follow**

I find it so funny that Muslims are screaming foul when they refuse to accept ANY OTHER in their land... They want total acceptance from American people and yet they refuse to offer and or extend the same respect or hospitality to US should we go there... Hmmm... Wow...

Then you look at the major corporations HERE in America and they are actually seeing the Muslim people as the new target demographic and they are still screaming how we do not accept them? They come here and then they take over American businesses and then find loopholes that allow them to stay here and work here tax free. Then they also get government assistance and social security to help them establish a life here…

I am a born and raised citizen of the United States, I am happy to say that I have been working for many years. I was NOT entitled to any financial assistance for school other than loans due to the fact I am a citizen and not a minority or foreigner. I cannot get assistance now due to the same fact. Now IF I were to pack up and move over there… Would I be entitled to free school, and assistance while living TAX FREE on that country? NO way in hell! I do not think I would live through the first month... Why? THEY do not accept ANYONE! However we here in the land of the free have to open them with open arms...

Muslims that scream foul need to stop crying, cause no one is gonna give you a tissue to dry your tears…  I have no tolerance for people that are handed everything and then start expecting even more to be given to them… We gave them an inch, now they are taking their miles in stride!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter... Last Super... Candy Pooping Rabbits? What!?

This chapter is in reply to yet another Yahoo article. I do not want people to think I am bashing or trashing any one religion! NO! I am NOT! I am however bashing and trashing the laziness of mankind! People as a collective rather follow blindly instead of asking questions of those they follow, or taking time out of their busy lives and look up the information themselves. Why is that? Look at politics and religion! Those are two examples of where people do not look for truth, they look for comfort and listen to only what they want to hear!

This is the link to the article that inspired this "Pearl of Wisdom..."

I find it truly sad that people will follow religion so blindly and yet fight any one who opposes their beliefs and or brainwashing that has been instilled by the Church of any faith. I am not an Atheist, however I am a curious man and this pushes me to ask questions! The article actually states that there is a contradiction in the scriptures!

*GASP!* Say it ain't so!

Sorry to spoil the fun for all you bible thumpers! Easter is yes the celebration of the Resurrection! However, what so many Christians and Catholics hold near and dear is the tradition of the Easter Bunny and colored eggs. I have read a lot over the years and NO WHERE in any scripture have I ever found where Christ said to the disciples anything about a rabbit delivering candy in baskets mixed with colored and or decorated eggs! Why is this? Oh, it is a Pagan practice adopted by the Christian and Catholic Church to help make the Pagans transition into the Church easier! Same with the Christmas tree... Anyhow, people are taught these "Traditions" that have nothing to do with the actual belief that they hold so dear! I can see it now... Christ is at the table of the last super and one of many topics is Christ's utter hatred for eggs! He spoke to the disciples and said: "I will return and upon my return I do NOT want to see any Eggs! I don't care if you paint them and hide them! I don't wanna see them!"

As I have stated, nowhere in any scripture is that written, but the church adopted this practice and made it tradition many, many years ago and now the capitalists have cashed in on the crushing of another religion and we now celebrate it! WOW! Religion is a contradiction within itself!

Something else to consider! The bible has been rewritten, translated and or converted over 5,000 times that we know of... Who did these revisions? Man. Man wrote the scriptures and the revisions and translations to them. There is a book on the shelves right now tittled: Misquoting Jesus. It is written by a historian who has found documented cases of scribes admitting to changing the content and texts of the scriptures! When the bible was written originally, the scribes and the few selected to learn to read and write were truly privileged! With that power, they became drunk in their own minds and made things fit to their likings! I am not trying to cause waves, I am merely trying to make people see that there are flaws in what the Church has pushed and peddled for many, many years!

It is easy to change a theory or an idea! People will DIE for a belief! I will refrain from giving examples on that thought!

After thought and updates:
I don't know if I made it clear, but the post above was the post I left on the Yahoo article. I did get 2 thumbs up and 2 down so far. With surprisingly only one actual reply and I felt compelled to counter his brief and overview and critique...

The Yahoo User named Dizco Bizkit said:

Little too wordy, know-it-all...

Wow, I am so taken back by that reply that I must now atone for my thoughts and wicked ways... Oh, wait... No I don't! I did say I replied. Here is what I said to him...

I will bet you any amount of money that you wish to lay on the line that YOU did not even read the post that I wrote! You being as I stated in my posting... Too lazy to read for yourself and expect others to spoon feed you that which you require. I am sorry that my explanation was too long or comprehensive for your mind to take in. You most likely saw the length of the post and thought that I was a good target for your nerd rage! Good luck with your ignorance, I am sure that you will go far in life as I sit here and chuckle silently...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Florida's Very Own Hemorrhoid...

ABC News Report on Terry Jones...

The link above is to a video reporting of this nut-bag in Gainesville, Florida that burned the Koran or Qur'an. I have to say that I do NOT condone his actions in any way regardless of the amount of discontent that I hold towards and against Muslims! Personally I would not give you 2 nickels for Terry Jones, his Church, or any amount of Muslims!

He states in this interview that he feels that his actions of burning the Muslim Holy Book saved hundreds if not thousands of souls. What in the hell is this dude on? Did he whiff too much model glue as a kid? He actually states that he is prepared to die for his actions. That is great to hear, seeing how he and his congregation have now received over 300 death threats, I find his comfort with this fitting to say the least.
Newton proved in physics a simple rule I feel that applies here!

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

That is a very fundamental law that can be proven not only in physics, but as this moron has proven, that holds true in social interactions as well! Considering the fact, I have spent a lot of time reading about religions and I am not just talking about 1 or 2. I  wanted to be at least able to hold a semi-intelligent conversation with some one of almost any major denomination. I have spent a lot of time researching and attending different congregations. I have gone to a Roman Catholic Mass, I have gone to Baptist, Christian, Methodist, Pentecostal, and many other services.  I have attended Temple during a number of different Jewish Holidays. To follow that up, no I myself am not Jewish. However I do find their practices and faith more tradition based rather than an actual religion. That is strictly an observation tho, nothing more than!
I once attended a Pagan Handfasting when my Mother's other son was married to his wife. I have been to many, many different services for even more occasions and holidays and I can honestly say that I can hold a decent understanding of most major denominations.

Now on to the crackpot in Florida... Referring back to the video, the reporter on site says that the FBI and local law enforcement are there and are also spending thousands of dollars protecting him and his followers. However the reporter then goes on to say that the agencies that are providing protection for him and the others are more concerned with the safety of the neighboring people. That I can understand! This lunatic put innocent lives in danger for his own purpose. 
He is shown in the report to be carrying a weapon for his protection. Let us travel that road of thought, shall we? He shows his gun to the camera as does his assistant and again they stress it is for their own protection! Well, if they actually practiced what they allegedly preach they would not need protection from any one! If they held any form of respect for others then again, they would not require Local and or Federal babysitters!

Then this guy and does the most moronic thing anyone could do! He pissed off the most radical of the radicals. I am NOT a fan of the Muslim faith, or any Muslims I have ever met in my travels. However even after my blatant disregard for them and their ways. I am not going to deliberately do things to piss them off! This guy is walking up to Rabid Grizzly Bear that is known for mauling random people at will and poking it with a very sharp and short stick!

The reporters in the video go on about how they are witnessing the 4th day of rioting in Afghanistan and the body count was up to 20 dead. Did Jones' burning the Koran save their souls? Did his provocation help those who died? All of this violence, new levels of anger, due to some back woods redneck, who is most likely the product of many generations of inbreeding! This Terry Jones guy is the perfect example of WHY you should not go to family reunions to meet women!

I cannot stress enough that I cannot accept how this man has laid American lives at risk. What about the men and women in the armed forces serving our country over there? Yes he does address that in the report! He said that he is willing to make that sacrifice. OH REALLY!? Who in the hell is he to determine that American sons and daughters should die because he has panties in a knot for Muslims? I don't like them either! I am not going to go up to a Muslim Woman and rip of her head gear! I am not going to go and piss on the lawn of Mosque! I will continue to hold my feelings towards that group very near!  I would not bring down unnecessary complications, consequences, or just all around bad juju on myself and or my family because I don't like a group of people. I will remain as I am, I will live and let live.

People of all races, religions, and origins scream and preach togetherness and tolerance. That is a great thought and one hell of a dream! Here is the cold hearted reality to that philosophy tho: IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! As long as there are people of different races, sexual orientation, origin, and of course religion, there will ALWAYS be hate! Even among people of the same faith, same anything there is still hate! 
Togetherness is a dream that will always remain as just that... 

A fantasy that will never come true.