Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love the Kool-Aid drinkers!

This round I will spare you the entire Article that inspired the following exchange of words... It was an article abut Billy Graham and how his family are now squabbling over what is going to happen after his transition...

**I had this to say**

Gandhi once said:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

I know that a lot of people are not going to like it, but it is true! The ones that consider to be the most faithful I have found to be the furthest from it! Those who scream and preach the good words, seem to be trying to atone for their lives and practices no one else sees.

Religion in general is mostly a fairy tale! All throughout history, the Bible has been translated and rewritten over 5,000 times. There is actual documentation on how scribes and scholars throughout history have changed the words and meanings to fit the agenda of those employing them...

The bible is fallible. It is a book written by MAN, and man as we see and know every day is not perfect! Humans are the only species on Earth that have a religion. Do animals go to church? Does a bear donate 10% of his winter hoarding? Does a dog take 10% of his food to drop in the collection plate? No...

The faithful believe that some tangible father figure is staring down on you and watching everything you do and say. If that were true, then people would be living better lives and we would not have a lot of the problems we have today!

The Church as far back as it goes says: You follow our rules and you will live forever in paradise. Oh, don't forget to give that much need portion of your income...

Why? Is God in need of some new kicks? No! Religion is the biggest money maker in the world... Sad to say that Religion and the most faithful are the ones that have throughout history fought, killed, and died to spread the words of love, tolerance, and forgiveness...

 xX   Then it started... The replies began!  Xx

Yahoo User: M.L. said:
“I don;t like Graham either, but Gandhi, like Graham, was a racist. He thought blacks were inferior to both whites and South Asians and even supported apartheid in South Africa.”

Of course I felt compelled to reply!
I hate to inform you of this fact... I don't care how NON-Racist someone is... Everyone alive today hates someone else!

Look at the news... There is more Black on Black crime than any other classification! Whether Gandhi was racist or not, the quote I am referring to has NO racial ties or purpose! I am strictly outlining the fact that the people who live and die by that book are so far from exhibiting the meanings and or teachings of said scriptures!

95% if not more, of the bible thumping sheep following the Sheppard will live foot loose and fancy free all week because they think that getting their holiness on one a week and dropping their tidings in the collection plates, all their wrong doings from the previous week are forgiven and washed off their souls! NO! You want to say you are a Christian?

Well prove it! ACT LIKE ONE! Do not throw racism at me... I hate how no matter what the topic that card is played! Quick, someone Call Rev. Sharpton, or Jesse! Neither of them has been in the news lately, so I am sure that they are sitting at home waiting for a cause!

xX   Then, the kool-aid started to make it way around the masses! LOL   Xx

Yahoo User: Gjl said:
Gandhi was not Christian. He promoted false doctrine. The Holy Bible is the INFALLIBLE Word of God. It was inspired by God and transcribed by holy men of old. The authorized King James version is the purest translation of the Bible. It was translated by a group of scholars that were experts in Hebrew and Greek.

God gave man free will to choose how he will live his life. If he chooses to follow satan then he is doomed to eternal damnation. Those of us who choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior are destined for heaven.

God is all powerful, all knowing and always present. He knows everything that occurs in everyone's life and how we lead our lives.

Animals do not have a soul like humans do. They are lower than mankind and will always be lower. Animals do not have free will to choose how they live. For example birds will always build nests; muskrats will always build their homes of grasses and mud. They can't do it any other way. Humans can build their homes any way they desire and if that home doesn't give them adequate shelter then they no one to blame but themselves.

Tithing is Biblical and should be practiced by Christians. However belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is much more important and the only way of ensuring that you will spend your eternity in heaven instead of in eternal damnation known as hell.

I will pray for you that you will come to accept Jesus and be washed in His saving and atoning blood.

xX   I felt a bit of a challenge...  So, I took off my gloves and accepted!  Xx

I love this! I love how people are so righteous! You drink the kool-aid handed to you and you do not question anything! You swallow all that is put in front of you and again you NEVER question! The bible is NOT the word of God! Not anymore! It has been written, translated, converted, altered... Then as time has moved on and languages have changed, new dialects formed so does you "Infallible Word of God"! You say you are going to pray for me? Good... Waste your time talking to yourself...

I am going out on a limb here... To the user called: Gjl... I will bet anything that YOU and your loved ones at Christmas celebrate the birth of Christ? Yes? OK... Do you have a Christmas tree? Probably! You need to LEARN something... The bible does NOT say that Christ was born on Dec. 25th... That was a Pagan holiday that the Church adopted to help the conversion of the Pagans and make their transition easier... Along with the TRADITION of the tree, PAGAN tradition adopted by the church...

Now, I am going to stretch a little further and say that you probably decorate and hide eggs on easter? Easter is to be remembered for the resurrection of YOUR Lord and Savior. Am I wrong? No... However, read you book a little closer! Why? You will NOT find in there where Christ addressed his disciples and told them prior to the crucifixion: When I come back I don’t want to see ANY eggs! I don’t care if you paint them and hide them! NO EGGS in vision!

Did that happen? NO! That also is another “Christian” tradition adopted from the Pagans! The Pagan celebration that took place around that time of year used the egg and the rabbit which are both signs of fertility and well… You silly kool-aid drinkers just took it and ran! Now, you have your Christians that celebrate tradition without knowing WHY!

Next time you want to try to throw what you know as fact at me? Please make sure that your thoughts have actual foundation! You have a lot of opinions that make no sense! Everything I have said I can and will back up with lots and lots of documentation and fact… Not some booming voice from a mythical father figure!

xX   I had to add a little more!   Xx

One last thing, if I may? Something that MOST of you will not believe is that for MANY years, I did attend Church! I went every Sunday, I went a lot of Wednesdays, I went to Bible Camp in the summer...

Something I never understood... Was Christ a cannibal? Think about it. You go to church and they pass around Grape Juice in most places or something of that nature and you are to drink of his blood. You are then handed a cracker and you are to eat of his body... Interesting practice!

As I grew older and more able to think for myself, I did just that! I asked questions and your all knowing leaders and propaganda pushers told me that I did not need an answer to the questions I asked due to the fact that I should have faith. No! Unacceptable! If I want to know something, I am entitled to an answer!

If I ask you a question... And you do not know? Why would you not just say: I don't know? Why belittle me and insult me and cover it up and tell me that I need to have faith? Hmmm? So, your leaders or Sheppard's are responsible to a point for making me question EVERYTHING now...

While you laugh at me for standing on my own, and by myself... I will stand here alone and laugh at you as you are lead blindly to the slaughter... You may be faithful! Good for you! However, aren't there passages in you r book that says the innocent lambs are sacrificed?


I dare you! You won't because you can't!

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