Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter... Last Super... Candy Pooping Rabbits? What!?

This chapter is in reply to yet another Yahoo article. I do not want people to think I am bashing or trashing any one religion! NO! I am NOT! I am however bashing and trashing the laziness of mankind! People as a collective rather follow blindly instead of asking questions of those they follow, or taking time out of their busy lives and look up the information themselves. Why is that? Look at politics and religion! Those are two examples of where people do not look for truth, they look for comfort and listen to only what they want to hear!

This is the link to the article that inspired this "Pearl of Wisdom..."

I find it truly sad that people will follow religion so blindly and yet fight any one who opposes their beliefs and or brainwashing that has been instilled by the Church of any faith. I am not an Atheist, however I am a curious man and this pushes me to ask questions! The article actually states that there is a contradiction in the scriptures!

*GASP!* Say it ain't so!

Sorry to spoil the fun for all you bible thumpers! Easter is yes the celebration of the Resurrection! However, what so many Christians and Catholics hold near and dear is the tradition of the Easter Bunny and colored eggs. I have read a lot over the years and NO WHERE in any scripture have I ever found where Christ said to the disciples anything about a rabbit delivering candy in baskets mixed with colored and or decorated eggs! Why is this? Oh, it is a Pagan practice adopted by the Christian and Catholic Church to help make the Pagans transition into the Church easier! Same with the Christmas tree... Anyhow, people are taught these "Traditions" that have nothing to do with the actual belief that they hold so dear! I can see it now... Christ is at the table of the last super and one of many topics is Christ's utter hatred for eggs! He spoke to the disciples and said: "I will return and upon my return I do NOT want to see any Eggs! I don't care if you paint them and hide them! I don't wanna see them!"

As I have stated, nowhere in any scripture is that written, but the church adopted this practice and made it tradition many, many years ago and now the capitalists have cashed in on the crushing of another religion and we now celebrate it! WOW! Religion is a contradiction within itself!

Something else to consider! The bible has been rewritten, translated and or converted over 5,000 times that we know of... Who did these revisions? Man. Man wrote the scriptures and the revisions and translations to them. There is a book on the shelves right now tittled: Misquoting Jesus. It is written by a historian who has found documented cases of scribes admitting to changing the content and texts of the scriptures! When the bible was written originally, the scribes and the few selected to learn to read and write were truly privileged! With that power, they became drunk in their own minds and made things fit to their likings! I am not trying to cause waves, I am merely trying to make people see that there are flaws in what the Church has pushed and peddled for many, many years!

It is easy to change a theory or an idea! People will DIE for a belief! I will refrain from giving examples on that thought!

After thought and updates:
I don't know if I made it clear, but the post above was the post I left on the Yahoo article. I did get 2 thumbs up and 2 down so far. With surprisingly only one actual reply and I felt compelled to counter his brief and overview and critique...

The Yahoo User named Dizco Bizkit said:

Little too wordy, know-it-all...

Wow, I am so taken back by that reply that I must now atone for my thoughts and wicked ways... Oh, wait... No I don't! I did say I replied. Here is what I said to him...

I will bet you any amount of money that you wish to lay on the line that YOU did not even read the post that I wrote! You being as I stated in my posting... Too lazy to read for yourself and expect others to spoon feed you that which you require. I am sorry that my explanation was too long or comprehensive for your mind to take in. You most likely saw the length of the post and thought that I was a good target for your nerd rage! Good luck with your ignorance, I am sure that you will go far in life as I sit here and chuckle silently...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Florida's Very Own Hemorrhoid...

ABC News Report on Terry Jones...

The link above is to a video reporting of this nut-bag in Gainesville, Florida that burned the Koran or Qur'an. I have to say that I do NOT condone his actions in any way regardless of the amount of discontent that I hold towards and against Muslims! Personally I would not give you 2 nickels for Terry Jones, his Church, or any amount of Muslims!

He states in this interview that he feels that his actions of burning the Muslim Holy Book saved hundreds if not thousands of souls. What in the hell is this dude on? Did he whiff too much model glue as a kid? He actually states that he is prepared to die for his actions. That is great to hear, seeing how he and his congregation have now received over 300 death threats, I find his comfort with this fitting to say the least.
Newton proved in physics a simple rule I feel that applies here!

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

That is a very fundamental law that can be proven not only in physics, but as this moron has proven, that holds true in social interactions as well! Considering the fact, I have spent a lot of time reading about religions and I am not just talking about 1 or 2. I  wanted to be at least able to hold a semi-intelligent conversation with some one of almost any major denomination. I have spent a lot of time researching and attending different congregations. I have gone to a Roman Catholic Mass, I have gone to Baptist, Christian, Methodist, Pentecostal, and many other services.  I have attended Temple during a number of different Jewish Holidays. To follow that up, no I myself am not Jewish. However I do find their practices and faith more tradition based rather than an actual religion. That is strictly an observation tho, nothing more than!
I once attended a Pagan Handfasting when my Mother's other son was married to his wife. I have been to many, many different services for even more occasions and holidays and I can honestly say that I can hold a decent understanding of most major denominations.

Now on to the crackpot in Florida... Referring back to the video, the reporter on site says that the FBI and local law enforcement are there and are also spending thousands of dollars protecting him and his followers. However the reporter then goes on to say that the agencies that are providing protection for him and the others are more concerned with the safety of the neighboring people. That I can understand! This lunatic put innocent lives in danger for his own purpose. 
He is shown in the report to be carrying a weapon for his protection. Let us travel that road of thought, shall we? He shows his gun to the camera as does his assistant and again they stress it is for their own protection! Well, if they actually practiced what they allegedly preach they would not need protection from any one! If they held any form of respect for others then again, they would not require Local and or Federal babysitters!

Then this guy and does the most moronic thing anyone could do! He pissed off the most radical of the radicals. I am NOT a fan of the Muslim faith, or any Muslims I have ever met in my travels. However even after my blatant disregard for them and their ways. I am not going to deliberately do things to piss them off! This guy is walking up to Rabid Grizzly Bear that is known for mauling random people at will and poking it with a very sharp and short stick!

The reporters in the video go on about how they are witnessing the 4th day of rioting in Afghanistan and the body count was up to 20 dead. Did Jones' burning the Koran save their souls? Did his provocation help those who died? All of this violence, new levels of anger, due to some back woods redneck, who is most likely the product of many generations of inbreeding! This Terry Jones guy is the perfect example of WHY you should not go to family reunions to meet women!

I cannot stress enough that I cannot accept how this man has laid American lives at risk. What about the men and women in the armed forces serving our country over there? Yes he does address that in the report! He said that he is willing to make that sacrifice. OH REALLY!? Who in the hell is he to determine that American sons and daughters should die because he has panties in a knot for Muslims? I don't like them either! I am not going to go up to a Muslim Woman and rip of her head gear! I am not going to go and piss on the lawn of Mosque! I will continue to hold my feelings towards that group very near!  I would not bring down unnecessary complications, consequences, or just all around bad juju on myself and or my family because I don't like a group of people. I will remain as I am, I will live and let live.

People of all races, religions, and origins scream and preach togetherness and tolerance. That is a great thought and one hell of a dream! Here is the cold hearted reality to that philosophy tho: IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! As long as there are people of different races, sexual orientation, origin, and of course religion, there will ALWAYS be hate! Even among people of the same faith, same anything there is still hate! 
Togetherness is a dream that will always remain as just that... 

A fantasy that will never come true.